Reading as a Habit
Reading as a Habit:
Children love to hear their parents’ soothing voices and watch their expressions for cues. Reading out loud to children strengthens their ability to visualize images, grasp the plot of a story, and build vocabulary. Each of these basic skills provides the foundation for more advanced ones. This habit creates a sense of routine and security for them, which will ensure they continue enjoying reading as they grow older.
The habit of reading, if included at an early age, helps in brain development and enhances imagination. Reading allows children to understand various emotions. This helps in their emotional and social development since they learn to associate their feelings with words and find a way to express themselves better. Reading a book encourages the use of imagination. Characters, costumes, buildings, situations, and dialogues create a visual impression while reading. This imagination sparks further creativity that may help build other life skills.
It’s never too early to read to a child and to build this habit. It’s a gift for a lifetime.
For more information, contact our main office at (313) 865-6024.
October Events
10/14 Curriculum Night/Title One Parent Meeting
10/20 PTO Meeting https://fb.me/e/1TxAbJARf
10/27 Parent University https://fb.me/e/59fx0dtuX
10/27 Truck/Treat Hallow-Read
10/31 Coat & Candy Give-Away
Zoom Meeting Link: https://www.gwcarveracademy.org/pto-zoom