Safety Tips for Scholars – School Bus Safety
School Bus Safety
Taking the bus alone can be exciting and a little scary for your child, and it's important that your child knows the school bus safety rules:
Stand back from the curb as the bus arrives, and never run to or from the bus.
Don't push, shove, or yell loudly while on the bus.
Stay in your seat during the entire ride.
Always obey the bus driver.
Wait for the driver's signal before crossing the street, and always cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
Don't ever get off at a different stop.
Before the first day of school, make sure your child knows where the bus will pick him/her up and drop him/her off. For younger children, try to coordinate with other parents so there is an adult there each morning.
For scholars being dropped off by parents, familiarize yourself with our stop, drop and roll procedure. https://www.gwcarveracademy.org/media/v/stop-drop-roll
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9/14 PTO Meeting
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