Summer Safety Tips
Our main priority at George Washington Carver Academy is the safety of our scholars, on and off campus. Check out these general safety tips and review them with scholars during this summer vacation.
Summer Safety Tips for Scholars.
Don’t answer the door or phone when you’re home alone.
Only go somewhere when you’ve received permission from your parents.
Memorize important information—like your address and your parents’ phone numbers
Please don’t talk to strangers or go anywhere with someone else unless they are designated and trusted adults. It’s also good to go over the signs of a child predator and teach your child what is and is not appropriate behavior.
Don’t play with dangerous objects inside the house or get into off-limits things.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, to help prevent Covid-19.
For more information about off-campus safety for your scholar, contact our main office at (313) 865-6024.