Board of Directors: Annual Calendar of Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings (2020-2021)


Public Notice of Regular/Special Meetings & Agenda

To join Zoom Meeting:

 Meeting ID:  936 9558 4280

+13126266799 93695584280# US (Chicago)
+19292056099 93695584280# US (New York)

Pursuant of Michigan Open Meetings Act, Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, being Sections 15.261 to 15.275 of the Michigan Complied Laws.

Date Time Location
Monday, July 13, 2020 – Annual Meeting 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, August 10, 2020 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, September 14, 2020 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, October 12, 2020* 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, November 9, 2020 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, December 14, 2020 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, January 11, 2021 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, February 8, 2021 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, March 8, 2021 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, April 12, 2021 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, May 10, 2021* 4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203
Monday, June 14, 2021 4:00/4:30 p.m. 14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203

*Check “Board Meeting Calendar Updates” above for update details

A copy of the meeting minutes are available for public inspection within 8 business days for proposed minutes and 5 business days for approved minutes. They can be accessed at:

George Washington Carver Academy
14510 2nd Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203

The Academy shall comply with subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, 42 USC   § 12101 et seq. or any successor law disabilities that will allow them to fully participate in Academy Board meetings.  Should you require specific accommodation(s), please contact the following individual prior to the meeting.

 The meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.

Mrs. Sylvia Brown, Superintendent
(313) 865-6024

(Board of Directors below)

Board of Directors (‘20-’21)


Theresa Johnson
14510 Second Avenue
Highland Park, MI 48203
(313) 865-6024
Expiration: 6/30/2022

Jamille Edwards
14510 Second Avenue
Highland Park, MI 48203
(313) 865-6024
Expiration: 6/30/2021

Carlton Clyburn
14510 Second Avenue
Highland Park, MI 48203
(313) 865-6024
Expiration: 6/30/2021

Vice President
Valerie Martin
14510 Second Avenue
Highland Park, MI 48203
(313) 865-6024
Expiration: 6/30/2022

Deiadra Downes
14510 Second Avenue
Highland Park, MI 48203
(313) 865-6024
Expiration: 6/30/2023

Board Liaisons and Compliance Contacts

Vanessa Gulley, Provision
17336 W 12 Mile Road, Suite 200
(W) 248-905-5992 x101   (F) 248-232-1523
(C)  248-506-9914

Alma Hollins, Provision Business Solutions
(W) 248-905-5992 x107  (F) 248-513-8834


Joe Urban
Clark Hill, PLC
151 S. Old Woodward Ave., Ste. 200
Birmingham, MI 48009
(W) 248-988-1829  (F) 248-988-1827

Board Accountant

Felicia Williams
Provision Business Solutions
17336 W 12 Mile Road, Suite 200
(W) 248-905-5992 x104  (F)  248-232-1523
(C)  248-506-9112

Midwest Management Group

Ralph Cunningham
3170 Old Farm Lane
Commerce, MI 48390
(W) 248-313-2000 x106


Bay Mills Community College Board of Regents
12214 West Lakeshore Drive
Brimley, MI  49715
(906) 248-3354